Monday, August 24, 2015

August 2015

WELCOME a new year of MOPS &
a new perspective for leadership!
      In this 2015-2016 year at MOPS, we want to see you...
     As I have been preparing for a new year of MOPS ministry and thinking about all of you leaders who encompass the area of New Jersey that Community 24F covers, I have gained a stronger perspective of us as a team: together, we are a team of women who have been given MOPS as a tool to reach and affect the different communities in our section of NJ (see the map in the sidebar on the right).  Our Community 24F leadership team may not meet together from month to month as your leadership teams do, but we live a quiet togetherness that is deeply aware of each others' presence and support in the shadows of sharing the common passion for serving moms through MOPS.  This blog is our regular meeting table...this is where we can stay connected through reading as well as sharing comments & ideas.  Here and there we'll have the opportunity to sit at a more tangible table via a conference call or leadership event.  
    Together, but separately, we will take our opportunity to serve moms and aim to reach our group's full potential.  Because the Lord has a unique purpose for each of our groups, as we keep our focus on Him and look for the goodness around us as we serve, we will see the beautiful mosaic He is in the midst of creating.  Then, in our together moments around this "table" or at an event, we will celebrate the goodness we have seen through our part in the ministry of MOPS!  
Stay connected via this blog and our Area 24 FB page!

COMMUNITY 24F News & Updates:
  • NEW Groups ~ Welcome!!: We have several new groups in our Community!  Please welcome...Beacon MOPS in Galloway (Jenny, Coordinator); MOPS of Monmouth Worship Center in Marlboro; and MOPS of Jackson Baptist in Jackson (Erin, Coordinator).  Last year was the first year for their group, and they have now transitioned from the care of a Group Care Specialist (GCS) to that of an official MOPS Community and a Coach.  Also, in their first year as a group (unofficially a part of 24F) and under the care of a GCS are...Mission Point MOPS in Sommer's Point (Misty, Coordinator); MOPS of Hammington (Rachel, Coordinator); MOPS of Bayside in Manahawkin (Stephanie, Coordinator); MOMSnext of MBC in Manahawkin (Sherry, Coordinator); MOPS of St. Mary's in Middletoen (Jess & Jess, Co-Coordinators); MOPS of Park Church in Tinton Falls; and MOPS of Trenton (Andrea, Coordinator). We know God has amazing things in store for all you and your MOPS groups :-).  **We'd love to hear  about your favorite moment at MOPS last year or your favorite moment in preparing to start this first year via the comment box below!**
  • NEW Coordinators ~ Welcome!!: Please also welcome the new Coordinators that are leading groups in our MOPS Community...Karin @ MOPS of Tower Hill in Red Bank and Megan @ Lacy MOPS in Lanoka Harbor.  I am looking forward to keeping in touch with you both, and "watching" the Lord use you in your MOPS group.  **I'd love to hear about how you hope to see your MOPS group grow and flourish fiercely via the comment box below!**
  • Coach - Coordinator Connect Call: Let's get together and chat MOPS from the comfort of your own home!  Make yourself a cup of coffee or tea, grab a paper for note-taking, pick-up your phone, and call-in... SAVE THE DATE: Thursday, September 10th @ 7:30 - 8:30 pm / TOPIC: "Strengthening My Leadership Team & Growing My MOPS Group" / Conference # and code to follow via email.

MOPS International News & Updates:
  • Fierce Flourishing Design Contest: Want to be part of this year's theme design contest?  Share your flourish!  Entries must use the Fierce Flourishing design elements found on to create meeting calendars, invite cards, and anything you might need to run your group.  Submit your ideas by posting to the Idea Center at by August 31, 2015.  Three winners will receive $50 gift cards!
  • JOIN US for a "Fierce Prayer": We want this year to unfold into radical expressions of each mom's fierce flourishing.  This doesn't just happen - it requires time, passion, and commitment.  And we believe that every fierce year begins with a fierce prayer.  Join us through the end of August as we pray for moms, leaders, and churches.  Follow via MOPS Area 24 Facebook page or MOPS Leaders' Twitter.
  • MOMcon 2015: Registration for MOMcon is SOLD OUT!! We are getting ready for another amazing-happens-here weekend, this year in Indianapolis, IN with speakers like: Jen Hatmaker, Margaret Fienberg, & Bob Goff; and music from Matthew West, Matt Maher, and JJ Heller.  For a glimpse of what the weekend will be like, take a peek at some of our video footage from MOMcon 2014 ( Now is a good time to start tart thinking about MOMcon 2016...stay tuned for the date in the next blog update!
  • DON'T FORGET to register your moms:  Just in case you haven't taken care of this's time to register your moms for their annual MOPS membership.  $24.95 covers a mom's weekly MOPS email, monthly Hello Dearest Magazine, "A Fierce Flourishing" handbook, plus other goodies for you and your children :-).  Don't forget, your group will earn one free registration for every 20 completed registrations.  Also, NEW this year is a self-registration option that you (as a leader) can initiate from your home computer!  Try it: go to your dashboard, pull-down your moms' list, then have email a registration link to the mom(s) you choose.  She will be able to complete her registration from her phone during your MOPS meeting or from her computer at home.
  • FREE Resources!!: Did you know about all the amazingly helpful and time-saving resources available to you in the Leaders' section of the MOPS website??  You'll find templates for newsletters, brochures, theme handbook for your moms; official "A Fierce Flourishing" graphics; devotionals for leaders; training videos and downloads for yourself & your team; a handbook for each position on your Leadership Team; and much, much more.  Click on the link above and explore the gems MOPS staff and other MOPS Leaders have made available to you in order to help you lead your group!

Prayer Requests:
  • MOMcon: We have over 3,000 leaders flying or driving into Indianapolis in a few short weeks for training and encouragement at fabulous worship, resources, and fellowship.  Please pray for safe travels for all and open hearts to receive all that God has in store for them.
  • New babies: 4 of the Coordinators in our Community 24F have been blessed with new babies in the last several months.  Please pray for God to continue to help them lead their groups while managing the care of a growing family.