Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Fall 2016

It's going to be a Starry-Eyed year!

I know we're going into our third month of the school year, but since this post was on delay: WELCOME back to MOPS, ladies!!  I trust you had an amazing summer break, enjoyed slow days with your families, and made beautiful memories together that will keep you going through to your next break :-).

Speaking of, can you believe Thanksgiving (and therefore Christmas) are just around the corner already?!  Keep an eye out in MOPS Leaders' Facebook groups for posts on ideas and opportunities to connect & brainstorm the holidays at MOPS/MOMSnext.  

For now, however, we have a TON of new information and upcoming events to help you do what you do!  Please take some time to read through the details below, choose a leadership help or training event that you are able to participate in, and keep lovin' the mamas in your group like Jesus...because MOPS sisterhood is contagious <3.

Better moms make a better world,

COMMUNITY 24F News & Updates:
  • WELCOME to our new groups: For the last couple of years Area 24F has gotten the opportunity to welcome MOPS and/or MOMSnext groups to our community that are starting their 2nd year as a group.  (Just in case you didn't know, brand new groups are coached by a Group Care Specialist (GCS) for the first year; then, if everything is well, they step into a permanent community alongside other groups and under the care of a Coach.  This year, we are excited to officially welcome the following groups and their Leadership Teams!!:
Bayside MOPS, Barnegat, NJ
MOMSnext of Manahawkin, Manahawkin,NJ
Mission Point MOPS, Somer's Point, NJ
MOPS of St. Mary's, Middletown,NJ
Park MOPS, Tinton Falls, NJ
Victory MOPS, Hammonton, NJ

Remember, the groups listed above are now out of Group Care.  Currently, we have three groups that started meeting within the last year - they are under the care of a GCS this year.  They are:
MOPS of Matawan, Matawan, NJ
Beacon Church MOMSnext, Galloway, NJ
MOMSnext of Middletown, Middletown, NJ

  • MOPS Kindness Challenge: As we explore becoming Starry-Eyed this year, we're focusing on three main themes -- Wonder, Hope & Kindness.  As an organization, we are committed to reaching way more of the 22 billion moms in the world over the next several years!!  Why?  Because at MOPS we believe that moms are world-changers and that every mom needs to know that she is not alone.  There are other moms a lot like her, and this amazing man named Jesus who loves her with His life.  Here's the challenge for you, the Leader, and for your MOPS/MOMSnext moms: to storm your communities with KINDNESS.  Imagine it: that we would shout a different, louder call to affect change in our communities (despite the growing ugliness we see in our world) via noticing and authoring random acts of kindness?!  Might the people around us ask, "Who are those women?  Why did they do that?"  I believe they would!!  So, GO!!  Challenge yourselves and your moms to take pictures of what they notice and do, then post those pictures to your social media accounts with these hashtags - #wearethestarryeyed & #mopskindness and this website - www.wearethestarryeyed.com.  Take a peek at the website for yourself...it tells the world who we are, what we do, and steps for what they can do next.  It's going to be exciting as others start noticing a different something about our MOPS sisterhood... because Our Vibe Attracts Our Tribe ;-)!!
  • Coach-Coordinator Connect Call: Let's group chat!  No matter how many of you show-up, these calls are honestly always worth it for me and the Coordinators who takes part.  However, this time, I'm going to open up the Connect Call to ALL leadership team positions!!  The date is this Friday, November 4th at 1:00 - 2:00 pm.  We'll chat about our theme for the year, "We Are the Starry-Eyed", as well as give and get ideas for the MOPS Kindness Challenge mentioned above ;-).  Join me!!!

MOPS International News & Updates:
  • Appreciate Your Pastor: I know October is the month that we take time to celebrate our pastors, however, if you forgot to send your pastor a card or gift of appreciation for his support of your MOPS ministry, it's not too late!!  It's never too late to acknowledge our appreciation our pastors!  Coordinators, scroll through our Area 24F Coordinator FB group; I've posted a template of two letters to help your team express your appreciation to these church leaders.  Please feel free to adjust them for your own use.
  • Last Day for FREE Memberships!: Groups can earn FREE memberships thru November 4th ~ 1 FREE membership for every 20 registered moms!  These memberships can be used thru March 31, 2017.
  • November Discount for Starting NEW MOPS Groups: The MOPS Outreach Team is offering a BIG incentive for groups starting in November!  Save $150!  Get the word out...any church can sign-up a new group for $249 this month.  Please call or email the Outreach Team with any questions at (888)910-MOPS or startagroup@mops.org.  Thank you for all you do!
  • Coach Coffee ~ "Lunch & Learn": A new 4-part series is coming November 7th from 12-12:45pm(central)...it continues the conversation from the Coaching Coffee at MOMcon and will provide training for leaders who have interest in the Coach role.  The first event will be over navigating conflict.  Though we all deal with it on some level or another; it may be something you are not comfortable tackling.  We want to help give you some encouragement and confidence in this area.  Join us for the discussion from a Coach's perspective!  To register, go to: https://www.mops.org/evt/?eventId=1138.

Prayer Requests:
  • One-Million Moms: We are so excited to challenge ourselves and you with extending the arms of our MOPS sisterhood to more moms...namely, we'd love to go from reaching 100,000 to 1,000,000 moms in the next 5 years!!  So, is there an out-of-the-box way God may be leading you to take the MOPS sisterhood to more women?  Is there a place (like a local maternity ward, a coffee shop, or a soup kitchen) where you already know you can find a group of moms?  Pray...He'll lead you, show you what He is already doing, and how you can come along on His great adventure!
  • Other MOPS/MOMSnext Leaders around the world!:  6 years ago I had the opportunity to visit MOPS in Holland, at the time, the only MOPS group in the Netherlands.  Because that group, who met in the international city of the Hague, was home to moms of many different nations; for the first time I clearly understood that motherhood is an international language.  It didn't matter whether you understood another mom's language, we all share the very similar milestones with our children irregardless of where we're from.  Many of these groups work to meet simplistic felt needs for moms and their children.  Let's remember our international MOPS groups, and their leaders, in prayer (http://leaders.mops.org/global-experience/)...

Monday, June 20, 2016

June 2016

Hello, Summer...we've conquered another amazing year, and are ready for another!!

Well ladies, you've done it!  A year of MOPS & MOMSnext for the books...and it's time to celebrate!!  If you haven't already, find a way to celebrate this year as a Leadership Team.  I don't know what that can look like for you...maybe a backyard or park picnic together; or even a group trip to Starbucks; how about a team dinner at a chain or local restaurant; or possibly a spa day together :-).  You decide...but make it a point to stop and celebrate what the Lord has done, and is doing, in your groups!  

Meanwhile, as you rest and re-group this summer, I'd like to recommend the following book on the topic of female leadership.  This is a book that we, as MVS, were gifted last year at MOMcon; then earlier this year did a Facebook book study on together.  It was fantastic!  It's a great read individually, and because it contains discussion questions at the end of each chapter, it also works great as a book study: https://www.amazon.com/Jesus-Hearted-Woman-Leadership-Qualities-Endearing/dp/1937830551?ie=UTF8&hvadid=47278522248&hvdev=c&hvexid=&hvnetw=g&hvpone=&hvpos=1t1&hvptwo=&hvqmt=b&hvrand=18273044897599384231&ref=pd_sl_5m3brt7qnd_b&tag=googhydr-20

Finally, please read through to the bottom of this post for important & exciting info, take a look at this blog with your computer to see & read the updated information in the sidebars and footer, then make sure to check-in for the upcoming conference calls listed below...

You ladies are amazing (I'm not just saying this!) <3
Better moms make a better world,
For additional weekly encouragement:

COMMUNITY 24F News & Updates:
  • WRAP-UP Coach-Coordinator Connect Call: Just like we gave our moms the opportunity to share their good things this year, it's now your turn, Coordinators!!  We have a celebration conference call scheduled for Monday, June 27th at 11am-12noon.  Call-in, encourage, and be encouraged with your (or someone else's) Fierce Flourishing story for this year!  As I hear from many of you, I walk away from our conversations inspired for more MOPS ministry...give yourself the opportunity for the same :-).  Check the Coordinator FB page, or your email, for the call-in info.
  • MOMSnext Corner: In chatting with you ladies over this year, I've heard of more interest in, or plans to start, MOMSnext groups.  Woo-hoo!!...GO FOR IT!  We have several resources for those of you who are praying, talking about starting a MOMSnext group, or definitely planning to add this charter to your church's current MOPS charter:
  1. If you're interested in a combined MOPS/MOMSnext setting, there is a brand NEW Facebook page for these combined leaders.  LMK if you'd like to be connected to this group...
  2. Have you checked out the MOMSnext portion of the MOPS website http://www.mops.org/leader/momsnext?  You'll find the MOMSnext Handbook, specialized graphics, videos to show your pastor, topic ideas, and MORE!! 

  • FINAL UPDATE: COME ALIVE 2016 Spring Leadership Training Event: Once again, many thanks to Rachael & the Leadership Team at MOPS of Victory Bible Church in Hammonton...they did a beautiful job hosting our spring training event!  For the first time in NJ we had over 50 MOPS Leaders present!  Ladies, this is a testimony to what the Lord is doing through the ministry of MOPS/MOMSnext, and to the health of your Leadership Teams...which translates into the health of your MOPS group.  So exciting!!!  I will be posting the PDF of the notes during our discussion time to the Coordinator FB page soon.  Coordinators, please feel free to share it with your LTs.

MOPS International News & Updates:
  • Conference Call w/ MOPS CEO & President, MANDY ARIOTO: Wednesday, June 22nd, 2016 at 1:00 pm eastern for ALL MOPS/MOMSnext Leaders!! Join us as Mandy shares her vision for MOPS <3.  Coordinators, stay tuned to the Coordinator FB page for call-in details as soon as it becomes available, then please share it with your LTs.  "See" you on the call!

  • 2016-2017 RENEWAL discounts ends on June 30th: We have less than two weeks to renew our group charters and mom memberships at the discounted prices: $159 for your group's charter renewal and $22.95 for mom membership renewals.  After June 30th the prices will be $199 and $24.95, respectively.  (FYI ~ Mentor mom memberships are $24.95, then $26.95)  Get those memberships in, ladies...the Group Experience Kits and mom membership kits have already started shipping for renewed groups!!
  • MOMcon Registration is still OPEN: JOIN US in Milwaukee this September! It's your mom-business-trip; your opportunity to refresh as a woman, mom, and MOPS Leader.  We'll have leadership training workshops available a little earlier this year (starting on Thursday at 1pm), so plan ahead.  Imagine...pick-your-own workshops, amazing worship, a lot of information, training directly from MOPS staff in Denver...all within a circle of another 2,500 - 3,000 MOPS moms & leaders.  Ladies, this is a definite worthwhile investment for you, your family, and your MOPS group!!  See the sidebar for additional info, and follow this link to register: MOMcon 2016 - Registration.

Prayer Requests:
  • MOPS Outside-of-the-Box: I wanted to share some exciting news...2 friends and I are in the midst of starting the first MOPS group in a public school!  We are working together with this elementary school's principal to bring parenting resources to the parents of her students.  We will meet monthly on a Friday night while the students participate in their monthly Literacy Night, and invite the moms to our groups for more MOPS.  If you're interested in more details of how, please get in touch with me (I am limited to how much I prefer to share on this blog).  However, I mostly want to encourage you ladies to keep an open ear to how God may be leading you to do MOPS/MOMSnext a little outside of the everyday box.  Is there a group of moms that is on your heart to reach?  Is there a place (like a local maternity ward, a coffee shop, or a soup kitchen) where you already know you can find a group of moms?  Pray...He'll lead you and show you what He is already doing, and how you can come along on His great adventure!
  • New MOPS Groups / MOPS-group-sisterhood:  You must be praying because the Lord is continuing to open doors for more groups and/or the possibility of adding MOMSnext charters to existing MOPS charters!  Exciting!!  Every new MOPS group represents moms and families who are being reached with resources to support a woman through her motherhood journey, including a relationship with Christ.  If you know of another MOPS group near yours, please consider establishing a sister-like relationship to serve the moms in your community...even better!  For more information on what MOPS-group-sisterhood can look like...please ask me :-).
  • 8 year-old Beckett Wyatt in VA: Beckett was just diagnosed with cancer...his mom is a MOPS mom in Midlothian, VA.  Here's the text her coach received last week:  "Beckett has stage 4 cancer. It is everywhere. It's bad. He has morphine for pain. He is upbeat though. He knows it's bad. The Drs say we can beat this but it's going to be rough. Biopsy tomorrow. Chemo next week. His spinal chord has issues so he has to lay flat. He is ridiculously cheerful. He says we fight and we are going to beat this. It looks for now like a year in the hospital. He will go to fourth grade here in a hospital. We are at VCU. I'm not sure what we need. Family is coming tomorrow. It sucks. But we fight. We will beat this. I have to believe that. Please keep us in your prayers." The following is the link to the GoFundMe account established by his mom: https://www.gofundme.com/29tytfdw.

Saturday, April 9, 2016

April 2016

Though a little late...

Happy Easter!

Even though we are only just getting around to our Easter MOPS meeting at the group I coordinate (we meet only once per month), I know most of you have already done your Easter meetings.  Soooo....

  • how did it go?  
  • what did you do?  
  • did you present a clear Gospel message?  
  • if so, how?  

I'd love<3 it if you share your feedback via the comment section below!!  This way, any MOPS/MOMSnext Leader in our area can come away with encouragement OR ideas for next year ;-).

Meanwhile, how amazing that though, yes, Easter has passed, the Christ behind the reason for Easter and the new life Easter represents can be celebrated throughout the year!  That's why this spring we are excitedly equipping you to see your story with new eyes, and more intentionally encourage the moms around us to also invite Jesus into their stories.  It is our heart's cry to see more moms Come Alive to transformation, restoration, and wholeness!

As always, ladies, if you have questions, need help/suggestions, or prayer; you know how to get in touch with me.
Better moms make a better world,
For additional encouragement:

COMMUNITY 24F News & Updates:

  • April 16th ~ COME ALIVE Leadership Training Event: Our annual spring Leadership Training Event is here!  This year we're super-excited to be bringing you: "Come Alive" (http://www.mops.org/come-alive-2016).  We have about 50 Leaders RSVP'd as of this blog post!!  It's nit too late for you join us, too, on Saturday, April 16th, 2016 at Victory Bible Church in Hammonton, NJ.  Expect: training, networking, encouragement...and fun door prizes including a $50 MOMcon registration discount!  In addition, the Leadership Team with the highest percentage of members present will receive a FREE prize!!  Please email me for instructions on how to register...
  • Area 24F Coordinator Facebook Page: Just this past February, I kicked off a Coach -Coordinator Facebook page, giving us the opportunity to touch base more easily (Coach-Coordinator), and you the chance to bounce questions and ideas off each other (Coordinator-Coordinator).  This way, I can get information out to you with less lag time; and you, Coordinators, can go back to the members of your Leadership Team to share your information more easily.  If you haven't followed through with the email invite I sent you to join, please connect with us TODAY!  Shoot me an email so I can send you another invite :-).
  • MOMSnext Corner: In chatting with you ladies over this year, I've been hearing of more interest in, or plans to start, MOMSnext groups.  Woo-hoo!!...GO FOR IT!  We're going to take some time to chat about the details of how to do MOMSnext at Come Alive.  Meanwhile, we have several resources for those of you who are praying or talking about starting a MOMSnext group, or adding this charter to your church's current MOPS charter:

  1. If you're interested in a combined MOPS/MOMSnext setting, there is a brand NEW Facebook page for these combined leaders.  LMK if you'd like to be connected to this group...
  2. Have you checked out the MOMSnext portion of the MOPS website http://www.mops.org/leader/momsnext?  You'll find the MOMSnext Handbook, specialized graphics, videos to show your pastor, topic ideas, and MORE!! 

MOPS International News & Updates:

Our NEW 2016 - 2017 MOPS theme...
here it is, Ladies!!:

To be the Starry Eyed is..
Seeing the light in the darkness and choosing to live courageously in both.
It is opening our eyes to wonder and choosing hope over fear.
Starry Eyed is significant acts of kindness that send ripples of light into the world.
It is a choice to live fully and wholly and to breathe our way back to life.
If you feel anxious and don't know why...
If you are busy and distracted from the things you truly care about...
If you are restless for an unexpected encounter with God...
If you long to feel alive, to regain a sense of wonder, to hope a little freer and to be a powerful force of kindness in the world, then we'd love for you to join us in becoming Starry Eyed.
This year we will run wildly toward wonder, hope and kindness because We Are the Starry Eyed and we choose to see the light.

  • 2016-2017 RENEWAL started on April 1st: It's that time again...MOPS/MOMSnext charter & membership RENEWAL!  I know we still have a couple months before even hitting the summer, but now really is the best time to renew.

Here's why:
  1. Renew at $159 thru June 30th, then after July 1st at $199.
  2. If you renew your chapter in April your group will receive one FREE mom membership.
  3. You will receive a coupon code to start at new group at the same church for 50% off the additional group start-up fee.
  4. Renewal in April = being among the first to receive you Group Experience Kit as soon as they are mailed in late spring/early summer.
A few things to keep in mind about renewal:
  1. Renewal is done by organization not group - a.k.a. if your church has two charters, they will renew as a church, not individual MOPS groups.
  2. The tracking information will be sent to the person through whom the renewal was done.
  3. You will receive one theme-focsued kit per group, for all groups.  Specialty groups (Teen MOPS/Military MOPS/ MOMSnext) will have specific resources available online.
  4. Additional kits can be purchased at $45.
  5. Mom / Mentor memberships are: $22.95 / $24.95 from April 1st - June 30th, and $24.95 / $26.95 from July 1st and on.

  • MOMcon Registration is still OPEN: JOIN US in Milwaukee this September! It's your mom-business-trip; your opportunity to refresh as a woman, mom, and MOPS Leader.  We'll have leadership training workshops available a little earlier this year (starting on Thursday at 1pm), so plan ahead.  Imagine...pick-your-own workshops, amazing worship, a lot of information, training directly from MOPS staff in Denver...all within a circle of another 2,500 - 3,000 MOPS moms & leaders.  Ladies, this is a definite worthwhile investment for you, your family, and your MOPS group!!  See the sidebar for additional info, and follow this link to register: MOMcon 2016 - Registration.
  • MORE MOPS or MOMSnext Groups: Read the prayer request below for information on a new deal for churches who want to open their first MOPS / MOMSnext charters...

Prayer Requests:
  • New MOPS Groups / MOPS-group-sisterhood:  You must be praying because the Lord is continuing to open doors for more groups and/or the possibility of adding MOMSnext charters to existing MOPS charters!  Exciting!!  Every new MOPS group represents moms and families who are being reached with resources to support a woman through her motherhood journey, including a relationship with Christ.  You will find a discount offer available to churches who want to start their first MOPS charter with April's issue of Hello Dearest.  Let me know if you want additional information on this offer.  If you know of another MOPS group near yours, please consider establishing a sister-like relationship to serve the moms in your community...even better!  For more information on what MOPS-group-sisterhood can look like...please ask me :-).

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

March 2016

It's March @ MOPS/MOMSnext!

An Irish blessing...

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

If you haven't already talked about it at your Leadership Team meetings, March is an ideal month to start thinking and praying about your end-of-the-year MOPS meeting as well as leadership commitments for 2016-2017.  So, especially for the new groups, here is a checklist to bear in mind:

  • How can you best leave your moms with a firm message that God has designed us to flourish through every circumstance if we will Notice Goodness, Embrace Rest, & Celebrate Lavishly?
  • Will you provide an end-of-year survey to the moms at your last meeting of the year?
  • Do you want to meet throughout the summer?  If so, what will that look like (monthly playdates, weekly book study, etc)?
  • How is God calling you to serve at MOPS next year?
  • If you need to pass your leadership position onto someone else, now is a good time to start praying & looking for whom.  She might appreciate you "showing her the ropes" before the start of the 2016-2017 year.
  • Do you want to schedule a Leadership Team "retreat" during the summer to connect & build your team relationship?
  • Is there something your Leadership Team can do differently in order to do MOPS better (more advertising, use social media more or build up your current outlet, get more involved in our community, etc.)?  Remember, you want your MOPS group to be a household name in your community so local moms will know there is a place for them to go.

As always, ladies, if you have questions, need help/suggestions, or prayer; you know how to get in touch with me!
Better moms make a better world,
For additional encouragement:

COMMUNITY 24F News & Updates:

  • SAVE THE DATE...LIVE Leadership Training Event: Our annual spring Leadership Training Event is just around the corner!  This year we're bringing you: "Come Alive" (http://www.mops.org/come-alive-2016).  Mark your calendars for Saturday, April 16th, 2016 at Victory Bible Church in Hammonton, NJ.  You'll get training, networking, encouragement...and door prizes including a $50 MOMcon registration discount!  In addition, the Leadership Team with the highest percentage of members present will receive a FREE prize!!  Stay tuned for more info and Eventbrite invite...
  • MOMSnextWe have two MOMSnext groups in our Community (see the list on the left)!  In case you are unfamiliar with MOMSnext, it is the branch of the ministry of MOPS International that extends support to moms with school-age children.  Due to increased commitments of moms at this stage, these groups meet in varied settings - morning, lunchtime, or evening - but cover issues like internet safety, navigating through adolescence, and peri/menopause...to name a few.  If you know a mom at this stage of motherhood, see if one our MOMSnext groups are available to her.  If you're getting ready to graduate from your MOPS group, consider starting a MOMSnext group at your church!  We, moms, always need encouragement and support through every stage of motherhood :-).

MOPS International News & Updates:

  • MOMcon Registration is OPEN: JOIN US in Milwaukee this September! It's your mom-business-trip; your opportunity to refresh as a woman, mom, and MOPS Leader.  We'll have leadership training workshops available a little earlier this year (starting on Thursday at 1pm), so plan ahead.  Imagine...pick-your-own workshops, amazing worship, a lot of information, training directly from MOPS staff in Denver...all within a circle of another 2,500 - 3,000 MOPS moms & leaders.  Ladies, this is a definite worthwhile investment for you, your family, and your MOPS group!!  See the sidebar for additional info, and follow this link to register: MOMcon 2016 - Registration.
  • Partnership w/ a Global MOPS group: Perhaps you'd like to help launch a group through a missionary contact at your church...Or maybe you'd like to set aside a percentage of the proceeds from your fundraising for global MOPS...Or maybe your Leadership Team would like to help with training & encouraging leaders of a global MOPS group.  Go to  http://www.mops.org/global-partner-ideas for more on church partnership ideas!
  • NEW Items at the MOPS Store: There are two new "A Fierce Flourishing" accessories available...  Use these links to purchase a few as gifts for your Leadership Team or prizes for the moms at your MOPS meetings: MOPS Triangle Bracelet and Drawstring Jute Bag.
  • 2016-2017 MOPS Theme ~ Coming Soon...: March is the month for the "Reveal"!  Keep an eye out on your emails and Facebook posts... We'll have the opportunity to brainstorm our new theme at our Come Alive Leadership Event in April :-).

Prayer Requests:
  • New MOPS Groups / MOPS-group-sisterhood:  I am hearing about the possibility of more new groups starting in our Area 24F soon - exciting!!  Every new MOPS group represents moms and families who are being reached with resources to support a woman through her motherhood journey, including a relationship with Christ.  If you know of another MOPS group near yours, please consider establishing a sister-like relationship to serve the moms in your community...even better!  For more information on what MOPS-group-sisterhood can look like...please ask me :-).

Saturday, January 23, 2016

January 2016

Happy January MOPS leaders!

Gotta love snow days...

Not only for the opportunity to get a day off of work or school...
   but the cancellations often lead to a day off of regular life!
For the beautiful photo opportunities and memory-making activities...
   shoveling, sledding, snowmen, baking and warm fireplaces to name a few.
Even though the Blizzard of 2016 will eventually result in parking headaches and slippery pathways for longer than we'd prefer...
   for now let's ENJOY our hubbies, kiddos and warm homes for these truly are the best 
   years of our mommy-lives <3!

<3 Your MOPS Coach, 
For additional encouragement:

COMMUNITY 24F News & Updates:
  • Coach - Coordinator Connect Call: Let's get together and chat MOPS/MOMSnext from the comfort of our homes!  Make yourself a cup of coffee or tea, pick-up your phone, and dial-in...SAVE THE DATE: Thursday, February 25th, 2016 @ 1:30 - 2:30 pm / TOPIC: "Finishing/Transitioning Well" / Conference CALL# & code to follow via email.
  • SAVE THE DATE...LIVE Leadership Training Event: It's almost time for our annual spring Leadership Training Event!  This year we're bringing you: "Come Alive" (http://www.mops.org/come-alive-2016)!!  Mark your calendars for Saturday, April 16th, 2016 at Victory Bible Church in Hammonton, NJ.  Stay tuned for more info and invite...
  • MOMSnextWe have two MOMSnext groups in our Community (see the list on the left)!  In case you do not know much about MOMSnext, it is the branch of the ministry of MOPS International that extends support to moms with school-age children.  Due to increased commitments of moms at this stage, these groups meet in varied settings - morning, lunchtime, or evening - but cover issues like internet safety, navigating through adolescence, and peri/menopause...to name a few.  If you know a mom at this stage of motherhood, see if one our MOMSnext groups are available to her.  If you're getting ready to graduate from your MOPS group, consider starting a MOMSnext group at your church!  We, moms, always need encouragement and support through every stage of motherhood :-).

MOPS International News & Updates:
  • HALF-Year Promotion: Thinking about starting a new  MOPS/MOMSnext group?  Now is the time to do it!  Charter a new group in January and receive 50% off - coupon code# FB2016.  Offer ends at midnight on January 31, 2016: http://www.mops.org/mvs/latest-mops-promos-and-specials.
  • DON'T FORGET to register your moms: NEW this year is a self-registration option for your moms that you can initiate from your home computer!  To access this, go to your dashboard, pull-down your moms' list, then have mops.org email a registration link to the mom(s) you choose.  She will be able to complete her registration from her phone during your MOPS meeting or from her computer at home.  Here are videos to help you through the process: http://www.mops.org/registermoms.
  • Partnership w/ a Global MOPS group: Perhaps you'd like to help launch a group through a missionary contact at your church.  Or maybe you'd like to set aside a percentage of the proceeds from your fundraising for global MOPS...Or maybe you'd like to help with training and encouraging leaders of a global MOPS group.  Go to  http://www.mops.org/global-partner-ideas for more church partnership ideas!
  • NEW Items at the MOPS Store: Here are our two new "A Fierce Flourishing" accessories available to you...  Use these links to get a few as gifts for your Leadership Team or prizes for the moms at your MOPS meetings: MOPS Triangle Bracelet and Drawstring Jute Bag.

Prayer Requests:
  • New MOPS Groups:  It looks like we may have about 2 more new groups starting in our Area 24F this year - exciting!!  Every new MOPS group represents moms and families who are being reached with resources to support a woman through her motherhood journey, including a relationship with Christ.  If you know of another MOPS group near yours, please consider establishing a sister-like relationship to serve the moms in your community...even better!  For more information and ideas...please ask me :-).