Saturday, November 28, 2015

November 2015

Happy (belated) Thanksgiving, 
MOPS Leaders!

Thank you all...
for serving the moms & kiddos that attend your MOPS/MOMSnext groups;
for cooking/baking, decorating, posting (FB), or greeting so moms feel welcome;
for giving time from your lives to invest in other you;
for sincerely loving motherhood while sincerely admitting the tough stuff; &
for working together as teams in an attitude of unity & gratitude.
You are making a difference in families, your church, and in your community!

COMMUNITY 24F News & Updates:
  • THANKSGIVING!!: Since this is still Thanksgiving weekend and many of us have a pause on our commitments, I'd love to take a moment to stop and "Notice the Goodness" in our MOPS groups thus far... Please take a minute to post one (or more) good things that the Lord has done in your group, with your moms, or at your church, through your MOPS/MOMSnext ministry.  (use the COMMENT box attached to this post).
  • MOMSnextJust a quick reminder...we have two MOMSnext groups in our Community (see the list on the left)!  If you do not know much about MOMSnext, it is the branch of the ministry of MOPS that extends support to moms with school-age children.  Due to increased commitments of moms at this stage, these groups meet in varied settings - morning, lunchtime, or evening - but cover issues that we deal with as moms of older children like internet safety, navigating through adolescence, and peri/ name a few.  If you know a mom at this stage of life who needs support, see if one our Jersey shore groups are available to her!  If you're getting ready to graduate from your MOPS group, consider starting a MOMSnext group at your church!  We, moms, always need encouragement and support through every stage of motherhood :-).
  • Coach - Coordinator Connect Call: Let's get together and chat MOPS/MOMSnext from the comfort of our homes!  Make yourself a cup of coffee or tea, pick-up your phone, and dial-in... SAVE THE DATE: Thursday, January 21st, 2016 @ 8:00 - 9:00 pm / TOPIC: "Keep the Momentum Going to the End" / Conference # and code to follow via email.

MOPS International News & Updates:
  • DON'T FORGET to register your moms: Our $24.95 annual membership fee covers: our moms' weekly MOPS email, monthly Hello Dearest Magazine, "A Fierce Flourishing" handbook, plus other goodies for you and your children :-). NEW this year is a self-registration option for your moms that you can initiate from your home computer!  To access this, go to your dashboard, pull-down your moms' list, then have email a registration link to the mom(s) you choose.  She will be able to complete her registration from her phone during your MOPS meeting or from her computer at home.  Here are videos to help you through the process:
  • FREE Resources!!: Did you know about all the amazingly helpful and time-saving resources available to you in the Leaders' section of the MOPS website??  You'll find templates for newsletters, brochures, theme handbook for your moms; official "A Fierce Flourishing" graphics; devotionals for leaders; training videos and downloads for yourself & your team; a handbook for each position on your Leadership Team; and much, much more.  Click on the link above and explore the gems MOPS staff and other MOPS Leaders have made available to you in order to help you lead your group!
  • Partnership w/ a Global MOPS group: Perhaps you'd like to help launch a group through a missionary contact at your church.  Or maybe you'd like to set aside a percentage of the proceeds from your fundraising for global MOPS.  Or maybe you'd like to help with training and encouraging leaders of a global MOPS group.  Go to for more church partnership ideas!
  • Don't do leadership alone!!: Proverbs 27:17 says, "As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another."  Join the thousands of other MOPS mamas just like you working hard to reach every mom for Christ!  The following are Facebook pages specific to your leadership position.  Find your position, click, then jump in on the conversation:

Prayer Requests:
  • New babies4 of the Coordinators in our Community 24F have been blessed with new babies in the last 10 months!  Please pray for God to continue to help them lead their groups while managing the care of a growing family.
  • New MOPS Groups:  It looks like we may have about 2 more new groups starting in our Area 24F this year - exciting!!  Every new MOPS group represents moms and families who are being reached with resources to support a woman through her motherhood journey, including a relationship with Christ.  If you know of another MOPS group near yours, please consider establishing a sister-like relationship to serve the moms in your community...even better!  For more information and ideas...please ask me :-).

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