Saturday, May 3, 2014

May 2014

"He will...gently lead those who are with young."
~ Isaiah 40:11 ~

A MOPS Leadership Moment:
     I'll be honest...I've had a somewhat tough week.  The stomach bug circulated through my kids in the last half of this, our Spring Break week.  I say it was somewhat tough because though I did a fair share of cleaning-up, several loads of extra laundry, slept not more than 13 hours in 4 nights, and was a little disappointed not to have the freedom that I had hoped...the reality is that we still got a lot of important, and fun stuff done - including non-regular couch & TV time :-).  The best part: I learned a new balance of putting my family first.
     You see, in work and especially ministry, we can often struggle with what it means to be willing to "leave father, mother, etc." for the cause of Christ.  When does serving others begin and end, especially as women??  This week I learned that the answer to this question is, like all else, dependent on the situation as we seek the Lord for His direction.  "Lord, what does it mean to put my family first today," He taught me to ask on Wednesday.  The Lord was so faithful to make the answer clear to me, making me able to meet my kids' needs, and get more done of my ministry (& home) work than I had previously imagined.  He is so cool...

  • Area 24F - Spark Leaders Live!: To those of you who were able to attend - THANK YOU once again!  We had an encouraging & productive time of connecting, learning, sharing, and eating together at First Presbyterian in Red Bank.  Thanks again to Vanessa and the Leadership Team at MOPS @ Tower Hill!  I trust that those Coordinators who did not attend received a special something ;-) in the mail.  Each of you MOPS Leaders is a blessing!
  • Area 23N - Spark Leaders Live!: REGISTER TODAY!!!  The Spark event closest to your area in Pennsylvania is scheduled for Friday, May 30th & Saturday, May 31st in Allentown!  You will enjoy a fantastic speaker on Friday night, and your local MVS will focus on helping us all learn how to deal with crisis situations in our lives and in MOPS ministry.  We'll schedule time for brainstorming together on our new theme: "Be You, Bravely," as well as much-needed connect-time with fellow MOPS Leaders!  Please see your Area 23 Facebook page for registration details:  

MI (MOPS International) Updates:
The new 2014-2015 theme is here*!!
At MOPS we believe that you were meant to live deeply 
and so we have created this (next) year's theme to inspire you to choose the extraordinary.

"Forget the former things; do not dwell not the past.  See, I am doing a new thing!  Now it springs up; 
do you not perceive it?  I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland."
~ ISAIAH 43:18-19 ~
*Check out the blog post after this one for a fantastic 3-minute video on this new theme!
You can show it at a Leadership Team meeting/retreat or to your moms at a MOPS meeting :-)


Registration for 2014-2015: 

Registration for the upcoming year is officially open!!  
Renew your charter for the discounted rate of $159 (regularly &199), 
and register moms for $21.95 per mom (regularly $24.95) until June 30th, 2014.
Receive 1 FREE membership for every 10 moms registered!!
Log onto't miss this opportunity to save.  


In theaters on MAY 9th...
<3 Mother's Day Weekend <3
Watch the movie previewed at MOMcon 2013!!
Take a friend, take your sister or mom, or even your MOPS Leadership Team...
Click on the link below to watch the trailer and find a movie listing at your local theater:

"I love this movie!  I wish I could treat every mom to a bucket of popcorn just to watch her laugh." 
~ Beth Moore, teacher & author

Prayer Requests:
  • MOPS 2014-2015: It's never too early to start prayer-planning the upcoming year!  Leaving the details in His hands this early-on takes a lot of the stress off.

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