Sunday, March 23, 2014

March 2014

A YOU Moment:
It is about that time of the year when, as MOPS leaders, we begin to plan for the end of the MOPS year and think towards the beginning of the following year.  
So, as we wrap-up our "Beautiful Mess" theme, here is a little something for all of us to remember as we walk away from 2013-2014:

  • What "Beautiful Mess" have you discovered, thus far, in your own life?
  • How were you able to share your "mess" with your group?
  • Were others free to share their "messes" as well?
  • What can your Leadership Team do in these last couple months of the MOPS year to drive home the truth that God makes beauty from ashes?

  • Area 24F - Spark Leaders Live!: You've received your invitations, and we're looking forward to seeing you here!  The date is Saturday, April 12th from 9am to 3pm at First Presbyterian Church in Red Bank.  We will be focusing on learning how to deal with crisis situations in our lives and in MOPS ministry, as well as brainstorming on our new theme: "Be You, Bravely."  We'll share lunch and plenty of connect-time together...investing in both ourselves and our MOPS groups!  Register today via the Eventbrite email invitation you received in mid-March.
  • Area 23N - Spark Leaders Live!: The Spark event closest to your area in Pennsylvania is scheduled for Friday, May 30th & Saturday, May 31st in Allentown!  You will enjoy a fantastic speaker on Friday night, and your local MVS will focus on helping us all learn how to deal with crisis situations in our lives and in MOPS ministry.  We'll schedule time for brainstorming together on our new theme: "Be You, Bravely," as well as much-needed connect time with fellow MOPS Leaders!  Please see your Area 23 Facebook page for registration details:  
  • FEEDBACK Request from YOU!!:  Does your MOPS group host a Couples' Game/Date Night or Moms & Pops Night, etc?  If so, please share (via the "COMMENT" window below) what you do and include one benefit you have seen because of this event.

MI (MOPS International) Updates:
The new 2014-2015 theme is out!!
At MOPS we believe that you were meant to live deeply 
and so we have created this (next) year's theme to inspire you to choose the extraordinary.

"Forget the former things; do not dwell not the past.  See, I am doing a new thing!  Now it springs up; 
do you not perceive it?  I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland."
~ ISAIAH 43:18-19 ~
  • Registration for 2014-2015: Registration for the upcoming year is officially open as of Tuesday, April 1st-June 30th!  Plus, any group that renews their charter in the month of April will receive one FREE MOPS membership.  The discounted registration cost of $21.95 per mom expires on June 30th, 2014.  Log onto  
  • EASTER Prep!: Looking for ideas to incorporate into your group meetings this year for Easter for either your moms or your MOPPETS program?  Visit the following:  It also includes a section for having a "tea & testimony."
  • Leadership Style Assessments: Want to lead more effectively & help your Team do the same?  Take some time together at your next Planning Meeting to assess your leadership style.  It'll help you maximize your strengths and minimize your weaknesses:
  • Leadership WEBINARS for you: New webinars have been scheduled to help give you the resources you need to keep doing MOPS well.  Each webinar is approximately 45 minutes long.  You can choose from "Continued Conversations" focusing on your leadership position, "Beautiful Feet: Relational Evangelism & More", and others.  Check to see what planned or pre-recorded event works for you:

Prayer Requests:
  • Christy, our Area 24 Community Coach: Please pray for Christy and her family as they are presently moving from Pennsylvania to Georgia.  She will remain on our MVS team working remotely...thankfully!!  Pray for a smooth transition for the whole family, and that the Lord would prepare a strong support system in their new church, neighborhood, and schools.
  • MOPS 2014-2015: It's never too early to start prayer-planning the upcoming year!  Leaving the details in His hands this early-on takes a lot of the stress off.

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