Tuesday, November 11, 2014

ANNOUNCING.... the NEW MOPS Intl. Mission Statement!!

It's official!!  We have a new missions statement at MOPS:

"MOPS International 
encourages & equips moms of young children 
to realize their potential as mothers, 
women and leaders, in relationship with Jesus, 
and in partnership with the local church."

There are three (3) noteworthy changes to MOPS new mission statement. 

  1. The new mission statement allows MOPS to “spread a wide net” so to speak. Culture has changed and the term “mother of preschooler” now conveys the image of a mom whose children participate in a pre-school program. This might unintentionally exclude mothers of young and infant children who are our exact audience. Hence the update from mothers of preschoolers to moms of young children.
  2. MOPS is a ministry of its church and it is our hope young moms will take steps toward Jesus and then bring her family and engage with the church where her MOPS group meets. We know this family will then be provided with community and opportunities to grow in their faith and serve. Hence the updated language, in partnership with the local church.
  3. The third revision takes MOPS back to its CORE. Evangelism. MOPS strives to talk about faith in a way that inspires every woman toward a relationship with Jesus. Our content, materials and resources are created to support leaders in sharing their faith and inspiring every mom toward Jesus. Hence the change from in the name of Jesus to in relationship with Jesus.

Why is this news important?  A mission statement for any organization, or even an individual, is akin to a goal...a vision for why they do what they do.  When we act with a goal and purpose in mind, we are more likely to be successful because it is easier to see what needs to get done and what our attitude ought to be.  

What do you do now?  Share the news!  It may even be a good time to sit down at your next Leadership Team meeting and chat about what your MOPS group already does, then what you can start doing, to adapt these principles.  As always, let me know if you have questions!

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